AZA Ungulate TAGs
2023 Mid-Year Meeting

Held in conjunction with the AZA Mid-Year Meeting
26-28 March 2023
Hosted by the Oklahoma City Zoo, Oklahoma OK

Stay connected: join the Ungulate TAG Community!

The Ungulate TAGs share a joint community on the AZA Network. It is a great way to connect with other members of the ungulate community to share successes, ask questions, and provide feedback. Registration is free, even if you are not an AZA member.

First, sign up as a user on this page:

Then find Ungulate TAG in the list of Communities, or follow this link:

TAG Meeting Presentations

The full Ungulate TAG meeting agenda can be downloaded here.

*Please note that some presentations are not available online, or are only available in a modified version, due to the presence of unpublished data or sensitive information.

Ungulate TAG Chair Briefings

TAG Initiatives & AZA Updates

Ungulate Scientific Management Session

Reports from the Field

Ungulate Husbandry, Enrichment, and Training Session

Hoof Care Workshop